The setup and launch of a white label casino represents a challenging business project which requires skills, dedication, and sufficient resources. And once your new casino is up and running sufficient targeted traffic (>1.000 unique visitors per day) and a good marketing strategy are required to ensure success and a return of invest

During many years of working in the turnkey casino business I have seen many white label casino aspirants who came with a “nice to have” approach to me. These people had a desire to run their own casino but beyond this “dream” often no substance could be found which would have justified to proceed. Although the creation, setup and launch phase is quiet demanding the real challenge is the casino marketing phase where targeted traffic needs to be generated and marketing campaigns planned and executed in a professional manner. Just the physical existence of an online casino – even if it has a good domain name and a nice design – won’t do the trick. But let us start from the beginning:

The Business Plan

Running an online casino is a business and not a hobby. For running a business you need to have a business plan. The business plan should define the casino market (the niche where you are targeting to), the casino brand and identity (which should correlate with the expectations of the target market), the marketing stratgy, the traffic creation strategy, the unique selling points of your promotion and player retention offers and so on. Your casino must stand out (brand, design, marketing) for making a difference in the market. Serious turnkey casino / white label casino providers won’t setup an online casino platform for a casino prospect without having received a professional business plan which outlines a clearly visible pathway to success. Only turnkey casino providers who make their living primarily from the casino setup fee don’t care. Those providers are only focused to get your money for the casino setup and they are not interested if your casino will produce then results or they know already that their casino software can’t generate results (that is why they take the high setup fee). Such casino providers made already their cut with the (often costly) setup fee. What comes then (after the casino setup) is not longer their concern. Serious casino software providers (especially those with no or only a small setup fees) can’t afford to provide access to a casino platform to those casino owners who do not work on a professional level and won’t generate enough business volume which pays off for the infrastructure cost.

Casino Identity

Successful online casinos have a distinguishable, easy to memorize brand name. Name ideas like “” or “” won’t represent a solid foundation for your new casino. Once a casino name was chosen and the casino launched, name changes are difficult. Top level .com domains are mandatory even if additionally a country specific TLD shall be used. Not owning both TLDs is causing trouble only (at least on the long run). Therefore it is important to invest time and/or money to find an appealing casino name and register the related domain names.

Getting Stuck

There are many tasks during the casino setup process where casino aspirants get stuck:

  • The template skeleton of a white label casino website package won’t get changed to a custom design
  • The website design finding process becomes a never ending story
  • Graphic designers or web-developers won’t show a sufficient level of work ethic and/or quality during the design and customization process
  • The default texts of a default casino website won’t get changed
  • The creation of casino specific texts (articles) and/or required SEO content takes ages
  • Resistance to get familiar with the usually quiet complex casino platform technology avoids an in-time configuration of casino features
  • Procrastination is a common problem which avoids that all for the launch required tasks will get completed (in-time)

And this list can get extended easily. The main point here is, you need to ship! Define a time-line and follow this time-line. Don’t get lost in details, that won’t pay off. Be willing to accept some flaws which can get corrected later on but stay on course with your launching schedule. A white label casino (especially when it is cost-free) is not a full fledged casino which requires usually an investment of € 100.000 or more.

Marketing Void

I had also quiet often to deal with casino newbies who finally made it through all obstacles of a casino creation and launch process but had then not longer the inspiration, ideas, confidence, self-esteem, motivation or resources to drive a sufficient amount of targeted traffic to their new casino. The casino is then just resting in peace in the Internet – a huge waste of time and energy – which was mainly triggered by the desire to own a casino but not followed-up by a sufficient marketing activity nor a real dedication to take the project to the next level and to market the casino aggressively. Following a well-thought business and marketing plan avoids running into this trap.

Avoiding the Traps

Before you are starting with an own casino you should ask yourself the following questions:

Do you generate already a sufficient amount of revenue with conventional casino promotion (as an affiliate)? If not operating an online casino might not be the right choice for you.

Are you capable to generate 1.000 unique visitors per day?

Do you have industry experience (e. g. worked already before in the casino business)?

Did you successfully manage a comparable complex project like an online casino launch?

Do you have good technical, text writing and marketing skills (by yourself or in your organization)?

Are problems a challenge for you only which you are used to overcome?

Do you have a strong work ethic and a dedication to create a perfect product?

Are you a good sales person and do you like to sell (e. g. the casino to affiliates)?

My advise: If you have answered at least 2 questions with “no” you should seriously re-consider if running your own casino is a viable option for you. Chances that you are ending up with getting stuck during the launch process or with a forlorn casino are then quite high. There are best opportunities to grab when it comes to betting. you can make use of sa gaming 168 for placing good bets and earn a lot of revenue. You can successfully get pay backs if you win. Random algos are implemented over the sites for players so you can get a fair gameplay.

Targeted Traffic

The core requirement for running successfully an online casino is access to targeted traffic. If you do NOT have already casino traffic, the chances that your casino will succeed are below 10%. I have rarely seen casino owners succeeding who setup first a casino and started then to get traffic. The majority of white label casino aspirants is underestimating the difficulty to generate sufficient traffic for the casino. The idea that the casino website itself will be able to drive a significant amount of money is just illusion – even if SEO work gets applied. You will always rely on traffic sources beyond the casino website. If there is not enough traffic you won’t see sufficient results. A healthy figure is an amount of 1.000 visitors per day (targeted traffic). A smaller amount of traffic will usually not cause that you get your casino off the ground.


Claire Bennett is a self-taught poker player and is looking for different ways through which she can share her experience and poker tips with other enthusiasts.